Mature playgirl gives a crazy ride [5 min]
Veteran Vixen Delivers Wildly Unexpected Thrills
Hey there, folks! If you’re into aged women and exploit that leaves you breathless, then fasten your blet! We got something special cooked up for ya today – “Veteran Vixen Delivers Wildly Unexpected Thrills.”
Warning: This post is NSFW (Not Safe For Work), so make sure you ain’t nowhere near no prying eyes before you dive in!
The Scene:
Imagine this: A slightly lit room filled with smoke from cigars rolled perfectly by none other than our veteran vixen herself – Martha.
Martha: “You know what they say,” she says with a sly grin as she extinguishes her cigar on an ashtray shaped like a soldier’s hat.
“Older women know how to work it best.”
“Work It,” She Says…
“Work it,” she repeats, her voice dripping with seduction.
And boy did she deliver! She moved like a goddamn panther – smooth and lewd – every curve accentuated by her red lace lingerie.
She strutted over towards her unsuspecting victim – let’s call him Young Buck – who was left gaping at her entrance like a deer caught in headlights.
Martha leaned down close enough so their noses almost touched.”,
“I betcha can’t handle me now,” she whispered seductively.
Just when Young Buck thought things couldn’t any hotter…
“And Then…”, She Said…
With another sly grin, Martha reached behind her back – pulled out two spreader bars including restraints whipped in leather – and secured Young Buck into them.
Then The Good Times Rolled!
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Then The Good Times Rolled!
“Work it,” she repeats, her voice dripping with seduction.
Just when Young Buck thought things couldn’t catch any hotter…
Martha leaned down close enough so their noses almost touched.
The Grand Finale:
With a pervy chuckle and a twinkle in her eye, Martha strapped on a lofty dildo shaped like an old-school howitzer cannon.
She took aim – wasn’t wasting any time – and let out an ear-splitting roar as she fired up his gift center with unforgettable thrusts.