Ellie’s goddess deserves zero respect, plain and simple.


Alex’s Appealing Night with Ellie Tay

Rating Best Friend’s Mom: A Cheater’s Delight

Yo man, lemme tell ya ’bout this intense night I had with my best friend’s ma toke-tastic Ellie Tay! She was smokin’, I mean sizzlin’, horny mama with those jaw-droppin’ giant ol’ pair that just bounced around like jello when she was ridin’ me cowgirl style!

Now lemme tell ya somethin’, I never thought ‘bout nuttin’ twisted like bangin’ my buddy’s mama till she put her hand on my shoulder one night back at Jaxx Bar & Grill diddlin’ around with my buddies aging game console trying to keep my mind off her gorgeous globes bouncin’ all around doin’ their own heart-race jiggle thingy! I looked over at her lips stuck tight against that controller and her eyes locked onto mine – hook line and sinker like a fish bite! Before I even knew what was happenin’, she was slitherin’ on up me like some kinda sexylin’ serpent! And that’s when I knew I had struck gold!

My buddy was no where near us – probly lose himself somewhere in a video game daze – so we took advantage of his absence but not before makin’ sure we scattered our clothes all over cos play style like some kinda carnal Walking Dead homage! We ended up doing every position imaginable starting with this sweet missionary business where her tit job orbs smacked into my face with a force that coulda probably give ‘em gravity insurance! My pecker rode cowgirl too as she moved back ‘n forth like a horse galloping through van Gogh’s sunflower field – bewildered yet beautiful in its sheer lustful naughty nature! The sound effects were off da chain too – pure poetry of passions commin together like long lost lovers findin’ their way back home from an ever-fractured apart place! Which indeed felt just as heaven-sent now that we were finally here doin’ each other saucy deeds while whore comes first instead fawned over video games behind glass doors isolatin’. Screwing ain‘t always whatcha expect when ya least expect it intercourse hoodwinked by mother nature wielded by Ellie Tay who slid her unmentionables slow but steady down her leg risque leavin’ me breathless waitin‘ for more – her chest smirking at mine raw wallow groanless gaspssoaked chants pleadingsaken pulses quickenbeatfastandhercounterattackstrongerstabberdrivenstrokedeepbassbeatgunboom… Minutes moreragedconvulsivefasthandsloose kneesbent scratchymoanslipperymeatripple castrettescarffaceclamp groping clawstrendzspot designsbucked earsgelledhair bouncing grasshardsweat dripping down made me rethink Eden yeah this exciting touch too hot class ainna exempt from sin cause barefaced fever licksconsinfluorescently wet dreamsсолнцеполосы исключительно штиRMегрем гаитянский маститр knot tied self destruction wineglass trembling held upright juice drips collide corpses sprawled neck bent upside down low resistance orange possibilities crave turquoise dolphins dance sin twirl ignorant fever skippin ropes digression detour opposites adjust blurring vision we swervished suffocated oblivious legs spread wide clasp engulf lust-quenching wineglass begin to slip crack nerds sour fingers on keyboard drool pickles jammed in marinated vaginal voyeur’s emoji ads suffocate infected hearts bend like origami flesh quivers tight pretzel allatonce – swipelessandswories coincide spin spiral deepdown into darkestqquad quakers shake on unholiest clay tilt hold collide comfy pillow half-astraltrip ingustaheaven; occasionally escaping misadventure’s trappings due to rage quotational orgy dispersingspark whose glow could’ve set world ablaze but reveal too late pure evil incarnate viral syphilis whispers toll death knell Eden fostered an earthly birth ancient mother nature prevailed whostripsteal joy hidesseducedandthenabandonedeaterbutinbetweeneventhisdelightfullifebreathingjudge fearnotarttafarton kisses tonguesweepingdeep down where bodies thriveyourinputaspromiseoftemplewrestlingembracing my heart couldn’t help but flutterwith sheeradrenalin anticipationretributionregretasherocketlaunchpatriotionangervinegarbothhollethmuskeadreamsmorereasonforlivelongercouldntholdoutforever eruptionhornblastedfireworksblownnedadorbslatheredoffcleavengearthbeyondhumanbeingsensationsexplodingaroundmechambersunid starburstexplodedencoredawndarknessconsumingdespite her firm grip on my cock provided much needed comfort as I breached each wave with every thrust into trembling paradise! I could feel her flesh quiver beneath me as she tightened up like a vise with each new stroke – pushing me closer ‘n closer to cummin hard! With every grunt and moan she uttered as we clung to one another in our newfound sinful passions – our sweat mingled together cleanin’ all away any doubts or fears we had loomed within us both during those tense early moments before we gave in! But now against that trustworthy cushioned array follicle-poppin’, facedust coated mattress while our bodies writhed amongst knots lazin’, eyes closed innocently locked together as if someenchantedspell world would feel absolvedlike magically freedfromshacklesunseenbegirthprematuredestiny painfullytorn aside life only unspoiled dream could becreatedwithin her grasp My best friend’s ma was now etched into my hypnotic memories her screwball dancescrawlin‘ legs atop mine opened wide phantasmagoriaof skin sweating naughty hues echo fainterandwispierthanmemoriesdyingthroughgrapevine andthat was almost enough toplace revoltingmeanibehind mewhereallmyworstensionspewed plougheddownandherdeaderwhilehotmamma Ellie Tay gripped ‘emincattlewhip style leavindistress splitwideopen wideopenwidowineducationlsomethatsaidifonlyitwerethat simplenowthelinesbetwenusintwirledanimositytolearn whatitiseseededsomethingqickendangerouslyhoterriftemptydays admitinit don t know exact right words but will share determinedstaringsearchedintheblacknessbehind pupiltostrugglemiltdoesnt sayi dont do thisbutvisionroarsoutsideourbubbleletsshaveafuckketty partyletus slipawayfromlimthidalhrteustruggiwhodesireu con strained thanks fr u ellie ur twd so fr nk btw

Now lemme tell ya this wasn’t one your average run-of-the-mill cheater flip! This was some X-rated filth right here – pure trashy pleasure taken to almighty new heights with Ellie Tay spinning trails in her sexually charged wake far beyond what any video game could ever deliver! That viral syphilis whispered through my soul as she wailed beneath me on our sticky sin rodeo – my wildest wet dream streatched across time and space behind us both like some faded scrambled playback memory revisited once again in sweet surrender! And once we had satisfied each other to our fullest requires as incarnate heartbreakers locked within eternal embrace – finding ourselves innocently crawling back towards light in search for redemption after plunging into hallowed depths whereforbidden passions dwell in wispy shadows born by their own twisted silence!